Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Dad Sees Dark Shape Behind Photo Of Son Surfing, Then Realizes Its A Great White Shark

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Every parent wants some basic things for their children: a roof over their head, loving friends and family, stability at home, and an enjoyable life. One way many parents encourage their children to enjoy life is by putting them into sports and activities.

Parents often introduce their children to hobbies that they themselves enjoy a dad who played football in high school might be more inclined to toss around a football with their kids than to teach them ballet moves.

Most parents see activities and hobbies as a great way for kids to meet friends, stay active, and have fun. Oftentimes, though, sports and activities can be dangerous just think about how many kids break their arms doing gymnastics or sprain a leg playing basketball.

For the most part, youth sports aren’t life-threatening. One dad recently got the scare of a lifetime, though, while he was photographing his son surfing. Chris Hasson, a seasoned surfer in Australia, introduced his son Eden to surfing at a young age.

Eden was out surfing one day with his sister and a friend, but as the day came to a close,Chris told Eden to stay in the water for just a few more minutes so he could get some great pictures with the sunset. He saw a “dark shape” moving in the water, but thought nothing of it.

When he looked back through the pictures with Eden later, though, they realized the shape was a great white shark, just inches from Eden’s surfboard!

If you think this story is insane,

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[H/TDaily Mail]

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