Friday, July 28, 2017

Girl gives NSFW birthday cake to partner, goes viral

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If you're going to make a customised birthday cake for your partner, you might as well be a bit creative.

Maybe an in joke, or something personal to them. Ideally something that can't be bought in the shop.

Or you could just go full, all-out NSFW on that thing:

Let's get a close up on those pictures:

You really can't fault the level of detail, in fairness. They've even included an edible driving license.

The mastermind behind that cake was Stacey Morris from Norfolk, UK. She asked her friend to bake the cake for her partner's birthday, then shared the photos on Facebook they've since been shared over 2000 times, and screengrabs of the cake have gone viral on Twitter.

"I came up with the idea of the cake," Morris told Mashable. "It's always something me and my other half have a laugh and joke about.

"The particular theme was chosen as a joke and to cause a shock; to be honest I wanted something that would always be remembered and be laughed about within our friendship group."

Morris sent the idea to her friend Becky Allsop, who designs cakes as a hobby. From the sounds of it the finished product went down well with her partner.

"He loved it and it also tasted amazing thanks to Becky's cooking skills," Morris said.

She added that the cake's design has had mixed reactions since going viral online, however.

"The majority of them are taking it as a joke and can see the funny side of it but obviously there's always going to be negative people that don't see it as a novelty cake and look more at the content of the design," she explained.

Love it or loathe it, you can't deny that the cake will be a memorable one.

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