Saturday, July 22, 2017

I read about Bannon and Clinton so you don’t have to

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(CNN)"Devil's Bargain" -- Bloomberg Businessweek reporter Joshua Green's in-depth exploration of the mind and machinations of former Breitbart News boss and Trump chief strategist Steve Bannon -- and "Shattered" -- a painstaking account of Hillary Clinton's unsuccessful campaign by Jonathan Allen, also of Bloomberg, and Amie Parnes of The Hill -- have both climbed the bestseller lists and monopolized the attention of the chattering classes since their releases. ("Shattered" was published in April; "Devil's Bargain" hit shelves this past week.)

They're both absorbing reading for anyone interested in better understanding the unlikely and unprecedented set of circumstances that put reality show multimillionaire Donald Trump into the White House. Both offer fascinating (and juicy) revelations; neither should be read on its own, since their access journalism roots make each a half-book at best, covering just one of the two campaigns, and always from the perspective of sources whose personal agendas make them eager to talk.
Here's my scorecard of how they stack up.

    "Devil's Bargain:" Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, and the Storming of the Presidency

    Most compelling character:
    Given that the book reads like an odd hagiography of Steve Bannon, it's impossible for him not to be its most compelling character: Brilliant, slovenly, gleefully opportunistic and given to profane eruptions and weird turns of phrase, proudly referring to Trump supporters as fellow "hobbits" and "grundoons," and dismissing dumb and useless people as "schmendricks" and "mooks" (ironic, since Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign manager was, of course, Robby Mook). A close second: Robert Mercer, the eccentric right-wing billionaire who backed the Trump insurgency. Prior to backing Donald Trump, Mercer's primary electoral investment had been in the unsuccessful congressional campaign of a quack scientist with an obsessive fixation on human urine.

    What you need to know about Steve Bannon

    Biggest revelation:
    Bannon conceived of activating the internet's legions of disaffected, meme-addicted young males after investing (and losing his shirt) in IGE, a Hong Kong-based business that "farmed" gold and virtual items for resale to online gamers. Bannon realized that these underemployed and overeducated denizens of message boards like 4chan and Reddit were susceptible to misogynist and racist symbolism (when disguised with snark) and highly adept in launching viral campaigns. They became the digital shock troops for the booming growth of Breitbart News and, later, the Trump campaign.
    Most memorable quote:
    From Steve Bannon: "(House Speaker Paul Ryan is) a limp-d*** m***rf***er who was born in a petri dish at the Heritage Foundation."
    Best anecdote:
    All the anecdotes that paint Bannon as larger-than-life even in his own mind, like the one about an oil painting of Bannon reimagined as Napoleon Bonaparte that hangs in his personal office -- a gift from British ultranationalist and Brexit proponent Nigel Farage. Or the one about how Bannon recruited a strikeforce of "beautiful young women" to Breitbart News, whom he proudly referred to as his "Valkyries."
    Best anecdote about Chris Christie:
    According to Green's sources (or conjecture), Chris Christie's exile from the Trump inner circle began when he dared to tell The Donald that when Clinton was ready to concede, President Obama would call the governor and Christie would hand his phone to Trump. Trump, a fanatical germophobe, was reportedly repulsed at the thought of having Christie's mobile against his face and barked back, "Hey, Chris, you know my f***ing number. Just give it to the President. I don't want your f***ing phone."
    Key takeaway:
    Steve Bannon is a fascinating and monstrous character, who undoubtedly bears great responsibility for Donald Trump's shocking victory. But the interesting revelations about Bannon are primarily constrained to the first half of the book, and focused mostly on his rise to power; by the book's midpoint -- when it begins to cover the campaign in earnest -- Bannon feels oddly sidelined, and the narrative becomes much more of a by-the-numbers diary of Donald Trump's slouch toward the Oval Office.

    "shattered:" Inside Hillary Clinton's Doomed Campaign

    Authors: Hillary Clinton didn't grasp populism

    Most compelling character:
    Not Hillary Clinton -- but that's by design, as Allen and Parnes' thesis about the campaign's failure depends on Clinton's being framed as simultaneously world-weary and naive, controlling and remote, distracted and obsessive, but most of all, incredibly boring. Bernie Sanders comes off as far more interesting, though he's also firmly presented as unelectable. Though a minor character, the most memorably described figure in the book comes early: Clinton true-believer Adam Parkhomenko, whose desire to see her elected president was so passionate that it led him to found the scrappy grassroots movement Ready for Hillary and spend a full decade tirelessly fighting to make her POTUS.
    Biggest revelation:
    Hillary Clinton was far closer to picking Elizabeth Warren as her running mate than anyone suspected -- in part because they connected so deeply on the girl-wonk level. Would making the surprise pick of the popular -- and populist -- Warren have turned things around for Clinton? Quite possibly. The roadblock to Warren's selection? She'd run afoul of President Obama, calling him out for nominating a banker to a key Treasury Department role. "It's safe to say she's not a favorite person in this building," one White House official observed.
    Most memorable quote:
    "When you're done with a condom, you throw it out." -- unnamed Democratic insider, whom Green describes as "familiar with Mook's thinking," discussing Robby Mook's attitude toward the grass-roots zealots of Ready for Hillary.
    Best anecdote:
    In May 2016, when Hillary Clinton was being pressured to give a high-profile public interview in the face of the rise of Bernie Sanders and the relentless drip-drip-drip story of her private email server, she was asked by her communications chief what journalist she'd most prefer for a one-on-one TV conversation. Her team thought she said "Brianna," and reached out to CNN's Brianna Keilar as a result; Clinton had actually said "Bianna," referring to Bianna Golodryga of Yahoo! News, the wife of former Clinton administration economic aide Peter Orszag. The interview -- brutally intense, rather than softball -- turned out to be "a disaster" for Clinton.
    Best anecdote about Bernie Sanders:
    Sanders was asked to film a TV ad to seal the deal of his endorsement of Clinton. He was fine with everything that the Clinton campaign asked him to say -- putting a stamp of approval on her positions regarding education, health care and the minimum wage -- but refused to say the script's final words, "I'm with her." "It's so phony!" he griped. "I don't want to say that." He didn't. The ad ultimately never ran.

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    Key takeaway:
    "Shattered" appears to have been written with a key assumption in mind: that Hillary Clinton was almost entirely responsible for her own defeat, and that this defeat was predestined because of her personal history and prior political choices she'd made. That makes it a strangely off-key read in an era where new revelations about Russian interference in the campaign and potential collusion (perhaps the true "devil's bargain") are erupting on a daily basis. But it also seems to put a capstone on Clinton's political career, having her declare to her "Hillaryland" team after her loss that 2016 is the "last campaign" of her life. Fact, or wishful thinking on the part of the authors? We'll undoubtedly see as the gears of 2020's campaign begin to grind.

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