Monday, October 9, 2017

Corinne Olympios Addresses The Rumors She & DeMario Jackson Are Dating

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Earlier today TMZ reported that Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson are dating. The two were photographed at Disneyland holding hands and were reportedly acting "cuddly". I know, really solid evidence we've got here. Well, Corinne responded to the DeMario rumors immediately. Hey Kylie, can we possibly get the same speed of rumor confirmation from your camp? Asking for a friend, and that friend is oh, I don't know, THE ENTIRE FUCKING AMERICAN PEOPLE. Sorry. This isn't about Kylie. This is about Corinne and DeMario.

Corinne went straight to Instagram Live (sidenote, who watches Corinne's Instagram Live?) to shut down the rumors. "I have something to say about this TMZ story," she said. Ooh, direct callout. That's gotta burn, TMZ. "To those photographers following me around Disney yesterday. You can go fuck yourselves, because I was just at Disneyland trying to enjoy myself with my friends. I am just not in the mood today and my manager is yelling at me. But DeMario and I had a tough summer so leave us the fuck alone. You guys are fucking assholes. We're friends, so get over it."

I mean, no. We love you, Corinne, but YOU get over it. You walked around a very public amusement park HOLDING HANDS with the guy who was at the center of a sexual assault scandal with you. OF COURSE people are going to think you're dating, or at the very least, that you're more than friends. I can't speak for everyone, but I don't hold hands with my platonic male friends (unless I'm drunk, then all bets are off). I also don't go to Disneyland with them, but I guess that's more of a personal life choice than a reflection of the platonic nature of their relationship. Like, yeah, it's annoying to get followed around, but like, you could have offset that by not seemingly putting on a show for the cameras. Also, "I'm not in the mood today and my manager is yelling at me": prime Corinne quote and also what I will say anytime my boss asks me to do anything.

But Corinne didn't stop at an Instagram live. She took it to Snapchat to continue her rant.

"Hi guys so I'm just like no," she began. "TMZ needs to stop, me and DeMario are friends, someone literally followed...followed me around Disneyland yesterday. I think that is so rude and so disrespectful. I was literally just trying to have a fun day with my friends, there were a bunch of us there. I'm really not sure why everyone just wants to start drama. Me and DeMario are friends and we'll always be friends."

Again, no. First off, where are these aforementioned "bunch of" friends? I would like to see those photos. Because I looked at them, and aside from Corinne and DeMario, there was one other random girl with them. Second, although extraness is part of Corinne's persona and the reason she is God's gift to TV, this is honestly a little much. Men and women get accused of dating all the time—you could just laugh it off like Ben Higgins and Ashley Iaconetti did. It doesn't have to be a big deal. Also, come on. We're not stupid. You can't do something obviously for publicity and then get mad when you get publicity for it. You also don't get to appear on a reality show, its subsequent spin-off, AND state that you have your own reality TV show in the works, and then get mad when TMZ reports on your goings-on. Unlike the thug life, which we all know is thrusted upon one at birth, you deliberately chose the fame life. You can stop at any time. (Not that I want you to stop at any time. Quite the opposite, actually—please never leave me or my television. I'm just saying that you can.) As literally everyone says, "That's show business."

Now if you don't mind, I've got a Google alert for "Corinne Olympios" and "DeMario Jackson" to attend to.

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