Sunday, October 8, 2017

Dean And Kristina Reunited After ‘Bachelor In Paradise’ & Fans Won’t Be Happy

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OMG. How is this still happening? How is “news” still news? It's been over a week since the show's finale/reunion episode aired and I'm at a loss for words as I sit here with an update on some of the show's contestants that will hopefully answer this question for once and for all: Did Dean and Kristina get back together?

As we all know, Dean and Kristina had a rough go of it while in paradise; thanks to Dean's textbook f*ckboy mannerisms and his inability to commit fully to either Kristina or D-Lo (a saga that continued all the way through the damn reunion), the fan-favorite-bachelor-turned-most-hated-guy-in-paradise didn't end up in a relationship. Indeed, during the reunion episode, it seemed as if both D-Lo and Kristina were through with Dean's “flip-flopping” and both had decided to move on.

That may have changed recently, though. According to Wells Adams' Instagram story and a quote from Danielle L., it looks like Dean and Kristina might be on again.

The pair showed up at a radio studio for some fun and games alongside fellow  Nation members Luke Pell, James Taylor, Danielle Maltby, and Christen Whitney and, while their connection may seem platonic from the videos on Wells' story, Dean's gaze is pretty noticeably fixed on the gorgeous, smart bachelorette (I mean, why wouldn't it be?).


While Dean's loving stare may mean nothing major, Danielle L.'s comments earlier this week on Ben and Ashley I.'s iHeartRadio podcast, , make it seem like there might be something more to his relationship with Kristina. Danielle told Ben and Ashley, “From what I know, he's trying to work things out with Kristina.” She continued by saying, “I'm trying to be respectful and keep my distance.”

As for D-Lo's relationship with Dean, she's definitely done with the player's games. She followed up her comments on Dean and Kristina's romance with comments about her own relationship with the bachelor; she told Ben and Ashley I.,

I haven't talked to [Dean] in a while. I've said my peace. He'll text me here and there to see how I'm doing but there's no romantic relationship. For me, after watching the show and the things he said, I don't see how or why I would want to continue a relationship with him.

She seems over the drama of , though, and doesn't seem to be holding any grudges against Dean or Kristina. She explained on “Almost Famous,”

I don't hold anything against Dean. I think I am disappointed with the way he handled things but I don't hold anything against Kristina. A guy just liked two girls and it caused a lot of drama on and I just want to move forward.

That's nice, but not sure over it just yet. WE WERE ROOTING FOR YOU, DEAN. WE WERE ALL ROOTING FOR YOU.

Danielle's comments on the podcast do come as a bit of a surprise, though, since just recently she uploaded a pic of herself and Dean kissing to her Instagram page with a heartfelt and emotional caption about her connection with Dean.

Indeed, part of the caption reads,

It's heartbreaking and disappointing to see how my relationship was depicted as something only surface level. Dean and I's connection was so much deeper. Call us kindred spirits or free souls…our outlook on life and love was similar (or so I thought). Which is why we continued a relationship after the show.

Clearly, though, that relationship is long over and Dean has (maybe?) flip-flopped… again.

Of course, whether or not Kristina and Dean are back together is really only their business (despite their having signed multiple contracts that force them to display their relationship for all to see), and if they are, then we wish them the best of luck, especially since Dean is headed to Las Vegas this weekend for the iHeartRadio Music Festival.

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