Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Takeout Service Issue Awful Response After Woman Receives Creepy Messages From Driver

As a customer, you expect to be treated with the utmost respect. After all, without your hard-earned cash, the company who has wronged you risk eventually going out of business if they get a bad rep.

Now, you’d think ordering a takeaway is pretty simple. You place your order, it is delivered, you tip the driver and that’s that. You certainly shouldn’t be receiving unwanted messages from any employees; messages which are sent with the sole intention of hitting on customers. Well, in Gloucestershire, England, a woman who had simply ordered food to her home from a delivery service app, was shocked when she began receiving unsolicited messages from an employee. A 33-year-old woman by the name of Michelle Midwinter was sent a series of very creepy WhatsApp messages from a delivery driver who had driven to her home to deliver her takeout.

Midwinter received a kissing emoji and messages which included: “Good night bby, see you next time I get your meal.” When she asked who the man was, the delivery driver creepily replied: “A fan.” Eventually, the man, who has not been identified, went on to explain who he really was. However, this did not make the exchange any less creepy: “I’m the guy who delivered your meal. If you have a bf tell me I don’t want to make any problems.” Midwinter then replied to her wildly overzealous admirer saying: “I’m literally never ordering from there ever again.” It has come to light that the man managed to obtain the woman’s phone number through the delivery service Just Eat. Understandably, Midwinter was bitterly disappointed that her privacy had been violated in such an unprofessional manner. The situation was particularly unnerving given the fact that the man, having delivered food to her home, knew exactly where she lived. And if he doesn’t draw the line at sending unsolicited messages to customers, he probably doesn’t see a problem with waiting for customers outside their homes to harass them even further. “At first, I was shocked at the fact someone could approach me in that way, but that turned to feeling very uncomfortable when I realized this guy had my name, address, and phone number,” Midwinter said. “I usually order with my boyfriend, and to be honest, he answers the door most of the time and this has certainly never happened to him,” she continued “If I lived on my own this would have been even more traumatic.” Midwinter, who works as a hairdresser, made the very brave decision to complain to Just Eat about the inappropriate messages she has been receiving. However, it certainly wasn’t easy, especially considering how the company reacted to her valid concerns. “I didn’t feel comfortable going to the restaurant as I was worried about any repercussions,” she explained. “I did not want them to find out who made the complaint – after all my privacy had already been breached.”

“If [the driver] ended up getting fired over this, who knows what he would do with my information – as he clearly had no qualms using it in the first place.” Now while you would have thought that Just Eat would be nothing but apologetic about the incident, they showed no such signs. Rather than apologize to their rightfully disappointed customer, a customer service worker at the company simply told her to leave an online review and offered her £5 ($7) for the inconvenience. “I wondered how many other females had reached out to Just Eat and received a similar response,” Midwinter said. Midwinter was so angry at the lack of remorse and accountability that Just Eat was showing that she decided to tweet about her experience. Before long that very tweet garnered over 16,000 likes and 7,000 retweets. After the story became viral, Just Eat then decided to step in and claim that they were now investigating the incident and have gotten back in touch with their scorned customer. A spokesperson for Just Eat explained in greater detail what the investigation would entail in an interview with the Metro:

“We were deeply concerned to hear about this incident. Whilst the restaurants on our platform are independent from the Just Eat business, we hold ourselves to high standards and in line with these, we would expect all drivers associated with our restaurant partners to act responsibly and respectfully at all times. This driver has acted in a way that does not represent Just Eat and our core values. We are investigating this with our restaurant partner and are also speaking to this customer offline. If the customer decides this is a criminal matter and reports it to the police, we will, of course, assist the police with any investigation.”

“We take the safeguarding of customer data extremely seriously. We share information with our restaurant partners solely for the purpose of facilitating delivery. We are appalled by the way this was handled when the customer initially made contact with our customer care team. This lacked empathy and does not reflect our policies or the way Just Eat would expect something like this to be dealt with.”

Michelle also twtted out her delight at the solution of her situation:

The unsolicited messages that Midwinter received are nothing short of appalling and wholly unprofessional. Hopefully, Just Eat has now learned their lesson and will find a much better approach to this sort of behavior in future.

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