Thursday, February 15, 2018

This feud between a hotel and a YouTuber has escalated once again

Remember that rapidly-escalating feud between the Irish hotel and the British vlogger from last week?

Well, it's escalated yet again.

So first things first: a quick recap. Basically the whole thing started last Tuesday, when The White Moose Cafe in Dublin, Ireland, shared an email they'd received from vlogger Elle Darby. Darby had suggested a deal where the hotel give her free accommodation in exchange for publicity across her YouTube and social media channels.

The post went viral, Darby's name was discovered (the hotel had blanked it out but someone discovered it was visible when they turned the brightness up on their screen), and basically everything went south from there. Darby responded in a video, the hotel hit back, both parties were trolled, the hotel issued a blanket ban on all bloggers, and all-in-all it was a splendid example of the internet at its absolute worst.

Anyway, guess what? It's now been over a week since the post that started it all, and the feud is still going strong.

On Saturday, the hotel shared an image of an "invoice" they were planning to send to Darby.

Then there was a "press conference".

Then, on Monday, merchandise:

On Tuesday, Darby shared another video on her channel titled "my side of the story / moving on":

In the clip above, she makes a handful of points about the feud and tries to address any confusion over the way it all unfolded.

"Any business owner is more than entitled to refuse a business proposal," says Darby.

"My issue was not with the idea that he had 'refused my stay', my issue was with how he reacted. A very simple way to go about it would have just been a no or for the email to be ignored instead of me having death threats and cancer wishes."

Darby finishes by saying the video will be her final word on the topic.

"I don't think this situation should ever have escalated into what it has escalated into," she says.

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